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10 Car Getting Points Opens Up New Way for NASCAR Teams to Beat a Flawed System

In late 2004 at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, two big drivers and two big sponsors missed out on the race. Scott Wimmer, driver of the No. 22 Caterpillar Dodge, and Scott Riggs, driver of the No. 10 Valvoline Pontiac, missed the race at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. This Atlanta race was the 34th of the season. The numbers 22, 10 and 4, which were being driven by Mike Wallace at this time, all missed the Atlanta race. However, they had attempted the previous 33 races of the then Nextel Cup Series schedule. NASCAR took issue with the big sponsors of Caterpillar and Valvoline missing races. So in order to "protect" these sponsors, NASCAR makes sure the sponsors make races.NASCAR decided to institute a new rule which went into effect at the start ...

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