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Could Kimi Raikkonen’s Crash at the 2014 British Grand Prix Have Been Prevented?

Most accidents are avoidable in one way or another, and the one experienced by Kimi Raikkonen at the 2014 British Grand Prix certainly should never have happened at all. On the opening lap, the Finn went wide at the exit of Turn 5 while battling the Sauber of Esteban Gutierrez. He took to the tarmac run-off area and kept his foot planted firmly on the throttle. At the end of the tarmac, the grass strip between the run-off and the circuit disappeared, providing a handy spot to return to the track. Raikkonen aimed to take it, but he was going too quickly—he missed the "return road," instead going across the grass. The Ferrari hit a rut between the grass and circuit, knocking the car off balance. The rear stepped out, Raikkonen could not...

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