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F1 2010: A Whole New World

It looks like a Brit will win the 2009 title (as is the proper order in F1!), but Button was born to bore, and I just can't take an interest. The other side of the hill is always greener, and from where I sit, the 2010 pastures look green, lush, and very inviting. BMW (the ultimate losing machine) will be gone and there will be a raft of new teams on the grid. Realistically, nobody expects that any of them will be contenders for honours, but nobody expected Brawn GP to be massively strong this year. We all like surprises, don't we? Having confirmation that Fernando Alonso is to drive for Ferrari next year has been a blow for some - not all - of the Tifosi. As an F1 fan, I welcome the move of a ferociously competitive driver to a team that...

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