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Is the Sound of the New 2014 Formula 1 Engines a Problem on TV?

There was a roar emanating from Melbourne last weekend, but it was not coming from the Formula One cars tearing around Albert Park. Rather, it was the sound of the media, fans, race organisers and even F1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone complaining about the lack of noise made by the new hybrid F1 power units. (We are not supposed to call them "engines" anymore.) I do not think this criticism is without merit—I remember how disappointed I was in the difference between the sounds of the V10 and V8 engines—but it misses part of the bigger picture: namely, the television picture. While many grands prix routinely draw 100,000 or more spectators on Sundays, those numbers are dwarfed by the sport's average TV audience of more than 20 million v...

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